If one broods on the trail of events that has marked evolution, one would realize that
we are moving in a circle, including the garment industry… am I getting spiritual…
certainly not, it is just a statement to prove my point.
From customization to mass production to mass customization and now back to customization again with the retailer coming back full circle to start offering customized clothing. Even if one looks at fashion, it keeps coming back, resurfacing with little or no variations… The best example of course is our relation with nature… we exploited nature for many years and now we are back to our roots, propagating organic and sustainable methods and materials!
Similarly, on the shopfloor too we saw the same cycle…, we started with tailoring or and now are back to exploiting the best of all three systems… and a few factories are back to working completely on Make Through system, ideally suited to handle small quantities, multi-style and intricate silhouettes.
In its more than a decade existence, StitchWorld has done many articles discussing the best and worst of all these systems… We went to the best of factories to study the various different ways of Assembly Line production and Modular manufacturing. But the real eye opener was the visit to Gandhi Nagar, in New Delhi, which presented a whole new experience on how to ‘marry’ the Make Through and Modular systems to take advantage of the best of both systems!
I strongly advocate the Make Through system and what I have seen in the last five years is that the Make Through system is continuing to work for many… of course, many improvements can be made and by combining the Make Through system with Modular manufacturing 15 to 20% productivity improvement is possible.
SW is planning to organize a workshop to help the Make Through manufacturers harness the full potential by combining the essence of Modular manufacturing and use of technology. Interested manufacturers may like to contact us directly.
Ethiopia is a great opportunity if one is looking at long term gains… not that Orissa or Bihar is bad. The country has the potential to offer the best in man, machine and Government support… today the infrastructure may be questionable, but signs are there of its improvement, not to forget that the country enjoys free trade treaties with almost all major buying countries, a huge plus for manufacturers. OPT (Outward Processing Trade) is another opportunity which can be exploited by the manufacturers from India…
From customization to mass production to mass customization and now back to customization again with the retailer coming back full circle to start offering customized clothing. Even if one looks at fashion, it keeps coming back, resurfacing with little or no variations… The best example of course is our relation with nature… we exploited nature for many years and now we are back to our roots, propagating organic and sustainable methods and materials!
Similarly, on the shopfloor too we saw the same cycle…, we started with tailoring or and now are back to exploiting the best of all three systems… and a few factories are back to working completely on Make Through system, ideally suited to handle small quantities, multi-style and intricate silhouettes.
In its more than a decade existence, StitchWorld has done many articles discussing the best and worst of all these systems… We went to the best of factories to study the various different ways of Assembly Line production and Modular manufacturing. But the real eye opener was the visit to Gandhi Nagar, in New Delhi, which presented a whole new experience on how to ‘marry’ the Make Through and Modular systems to take advantage of the best of both systems!
I strongly advocate the Make Through system and what I have seen in the last five years is that the Make Through system is continuing to work for many… of course, many improvements can be made and by combining the Make Through system with Modular manufacturing 15 to 20% productivity improvement is possible.
SW is planning to organize a workshop to help the Make Through manufacturers harness the full potential by combining the essence of Modular manufacturing and use of technology. Interested manufacturers may like to contact us directly.
Ethiopia is a great opportunity if one is looking at long term gains… not that Orissa or Bihar is bad. The country has the potential to offer the best in man, machine and Government support… today the infrastructure may be questionable, but signs are there of its improvement, not to forget that the country enjoys free trade treaties with almost all major buying countries, a huge plus for manufacturers. OPT (Outward Processing Trade) is another opportunity which can be exploited by the manufacturers from India…