Many of you may remember that the first edition of StitchWorld magazine was launched 15 years ago in 2003…; but it seems
like yesterday!
The journey was an enriching one which primarily included
understanding, analysing and implementing existing
technologies and systems to improve quality, productivity and
work methodologies. Hardly any time or pages were devoted to
the future.
The changes that did come, were incremental or to the best ‘mild riffles’ in the prevailing pool, but certainly not disruptive or even significantly different… A small change here, a minor intervention there or an introduction to automation were the exciting highlights of the magazine.
But 2017 really changed the outlook… Suddenly a whole new plethora of technologies exploded in the marketplace…; technologies that challenged the old way of thinking, changing and disrupting the way we knew production till date, shaping a new course for production in the future!
Technologies, systems and processes that seemed far-fetched a few years ago, suddenly became possible and practical… We were looking at the future, not as an imagination in time, but a reality waiting to happen.
After 15 years of talking about the same old concepts, we were faced with new thoughts and ways of working. Always fast to move with the changing time, StitchWorld too transformed and updated its scope and content…, preparing not for the present, but for the future.
I am sure you would have seen this change being reflected in the pages! Do let me know if the change is acceptable and in the right direction.
The changes that did come, were incremental or to the best ‘mild riffles’ in the prevailing pool, but certainly not disruptive or even significantly different… A small change here, a minor intervention there or an introduction to automation were the exciting highlights of the magazine.
But 2017 really changed the outlook… Suddenly a whole new plethora of technologies exploded in the marketplace…; technologies that challenged the old way of thinking, changing and disrupting the way we knew production till date, shaping a new course for production in the future!
Technologies, systems and processes that seemed far-fetched a few years ago, suddenly became possible and practical… We were looking at the future, not as an imagination in time, but a reality waiting to happen.
After 15 years of talking about the same old concepts, we were faced with new thoughts and ways of working. Always fast to move with the changing time, StitchWorld too transformed and updated its scope and content…, preparing not for the present, but for the future.
I am sure you would have seen this change being reflected in the pages! Do let me know if the change is acceptable and in the right direction.